Your TCO calculation
This is your result of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculation. Here you can see the breakdown of the individual TCO elements you entered in the form in relation to the total costs for your vehicle. The TCO calculation shows the TCO costs for the total operation time, per year, per month and per kilometer.
Individual cost items can have a strong influence on the TCO, e.g. the costs for tires and tire management are often underestimated and have a significant impact on the total cost of the vehicle when viewed over the total operation time.
We would be happy to advise you on how to optimize your TCO and what strategy you can use to reposition your fleet.
Please contact us.
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TCO calculation
Kilometer total:
Costs total operation time:
CHF 80'190.00
Total costs per KM:
CHF 0.62
Operation time in years:
Total costs per year:
CHF 16'038.00
Total costs per month:
CHF 1'336.50